Haynes Family Crest
You have read how DNA technology was used to prove that Thomas Jefferson (or his brother) was the father of Sally Hemmings. Now these tools can be used by us to help solve puzzles in our own genealogy -- to bridge gaps in the available records, to link possible cousins, and confirm suspected family relations.

I want to know if Henry Haynes (1701-1782), or Jasper Haynes (1715-1782) of Bedford County, VA are indeed brothers of my ancestor, William Haynes (1710-1781). DNA can be used to answer this issue when male Haynes of those lines get tested.

I want to know if our Colonial Virginia Haynes are related to the distinguished John Haynes (1594-1653), first Governor of Connecticut, and co-author of its constitution.

Is our Haynes line is related to those "other" Haynes: HANES, HAINES, HAINS, etc.

What do you want to know ... ?

We all have the opportunity to answer those questions using DNA testing.
Not in the future, but NOW...
To find out more about this exciting new tool for our genealogy research, go to the web site of the leader in the field, Family Tree DNA. It was founded by a fellow genealogist when his own paper trail ran dry. The site explains how DNA can help with your family history, how the technology works, and how you can join the growing list of HAYNES family researchers using DNA in their work.

An on-line video explains how DNA was used to prove that the family of Sally Hemings was indeed fathered by Thomas Jefferson or his brother.

Additional reading -

Jefferson - Hemings - A Special Issue of the NGS Sep 2001, Vol. 89, No. 3 - ($10 from NGS)
RootsWorks: DNA and Family Trees, by Beau Sharbrough
About.com: Genetics, DNA & Health History
- Links to several helpful articles.
"DNA for Family Historians" - by Alan Savin This book explores the potential use of DNA for family history research. ($6.99 postpaid)

Go to Family Tree DNA now to learn more, and get started with your DNA.



Copyright 1997-2005 John L Haynes         Last revised 18-May-2005